Wednesday 15 December 2010


After my second session on Adobe Indesign you can see that I have changed and added many things to my cover now and it is starting to look a lot more bold and colourul and also a lot more like a front cover of a pop music magazine.

I am now really liking how the look is coming along to my magazine cover even though I still have more changes to make to it which I will do in my next session of using Adobe Indesign.

I have also now added a bit more detail to my poster at the top of my front cover which I will add to my cover on my next session using Adobe Indesign. I think now, you can make out that it is supposed to be a poster more than the one that is on my cover atm and by adding more detail to it, it now looks a lot more bold and effective.

Tuesday 14 December 2010


This is after my first session on creating my front cover using Adobe Indesign. I have been removing the background to my main image for the previous session which took longer than I thought it would.

At the moment, I am not happy with how it looks but I will be rearranging and adding more things on my next session.

Monday 6 December 2010


This image above is my chosen main image for my music magazine front cover.
I have chosen this image out of the many that I took on my photo shoot as I think it represents them best as a girl band and also you can clearly see their costumes, their expressions are the similar but it looks like they have different personalities due to the way they use their expressions, they all have the same pose which creates the togetherness that a girl band have and also the tights make the image stand out so it would be an effective bold front cover by using this image which is what I am aiming to achieve. I will need to remove and edit the background a bit though to make it an overall successful image for my main image for my front cover of my magazine.


On My Photo Shoot, I tried to get the best pictures I could and the type of pictures i was aiming for. I found it a bit difficult because there wasn't much space and the lighting wasn't the best. I got a variety of pictures and I got quite a few of each. I tried thinking of different camera angles and different poses for the models to give it variety.

This photo to the right is a subsidiary picture that is going to represent a cover story inside the magazine of a new 'celebrity pop music' couple as 'Meg from the Sundays' is now with a former member of 'The Found; Jordan'.
I think it does look like a couple even though it was hard to try and make them look like band members but it will be a subsidiary image so it will be quite small anyways.

These pictures to the left are pictures of my models that I chose that could either be a main image or an image inside the magazine on the doubt page spread. I tried to get them all looking the same and legs crossed the same way to give them a scence togetherness  and I also chose to dress them simialr, just in different colours to try and show that they are a girl band by having similarty between them all.


The one out of these two photos that I think is the best, is the one to the left here. I think this because all of the girls are smiling which creates a positvie attitude to the photos which I think makes it look more effective.

Again these images could be used as either my main image or an image on the double page spread inside.

These two photos to the right are copies of a photo that i have previously shown on my blog by the Saturdays. I thought that if i tried to copy one that has already been done by a proffesional then it would look more effective. I am quite happy with these photos as you can tell they are meant to be like the one below and I think their costumes represent them to be similar too.

I think either one of these two could be used as my main image but I think I like the top one more as they all have better expressions and it looks more organised than the one to the right here.

Again these images on the left could be used either for my main image or double page spread.

I really like these images. I like the fact that they all have a sence of similarity and the tights really stand out from the black which makes it look really effective along with the different heels.Their expressions are also similar and like many girl bands they are all represented as similar in clothes and expressions etc on pictures.

I think i prefer the one above as the girls are smiling which represents the girl band in a positive way which is what i want. I am happy with the colours and costumes as they are bold which would make the image stand out.

These 3 images on the right are the most successful out of all of my images I think. I think that one of these images would be the most effective as my main image as you have all of the girls together, all looking simialr like most girl bands do on photo shoots, the costumes look really good, expressions look effective and they are overall bold images.

I tried to take the images at different angles to create variation to see if it may look better at certain angles.

I am happiest with these photos and I think the girls look their best on these.


Overall, I am really pleased with the pictures I have gained from my photo shoot. I think i got many successful images. I found a few problems whilst trying to get successful images; Lighting, space, getting people together but overall I think i have had a postive outcome. I do need to sort out my background on most of the images but other wise I think I have got the all of the images and the type of images that I need.

Sunday 5 December 2010


Date and time
5th December 2O1O
Image Description
Pop Girl Band
Shot location
Front Room With A White Background
Sofa, Costumes, Jewellery, Table
Plan of shots
Main Image.
1) the 5 girls stood in a line together in their costumes of a black dress, coloured tights and high heels, with hand on their hips facing me.
2) all girls positioned on and around a table; 3 sat on the table and 2 girls sat in front of the table. All looking at me and smiling.
3) the 5 girls all in their costumes lying down on the floor with hands on their chins, looking to the right and legs crossed behind them.
4) 5 girls sat on a sofa in their costumes. 3 on the actual sofa and 2 on the arms of the sofa. looking at the camera with their legs crossed to the right and hands on their knees.
Subsidiary Images.
1) introduce a male model as well as one from the girl band to have as an inside story of a new 'music couple together' as one of the girls from the girl band gets with a boy from a boy band. picture of the girl and the boy hugging (looking like they are a couple)
2) for a poster;  for the girls, have a topless guy from a boy band.

This cover above includes the masthead and slogan that I have chosen with help from my questionnaire results; POPSTARZ being the masthead and 'check it out!' being the slogan. I have also included an example of a main image of my chosen girl band image. it also included different sell lines and will have different colours too with 2 subsidiary images. I think this is an effective music magazine front cover.

Tuesday 30 November 2010


These are signiture poses by The Saturdays that I could re-do myself to try and make my front cover look more effective.


This picture to the left is a picture in the costume that I would like to have on my front cover. I think it looks effective as it gets all the girls together and also shows their costume well as they all look similar. I like the different angles that they are facing as it makes it look more interesting. I could try and redo this for my main image by sitting my models in the same way.
 This picture to the right, I think, looks really good as there is symmetry to the picture which I think makes it look neat. I like the fact that they are all doing the same pose and i think the costumes stand out in the picture. I could easuly re do this with my models too by just lying them down on the floor in this way and I could lie down too and take the picture that way.

This picture to the right is a picture off their new album. It is a signiture pose of the Saturdays as they are usually on pictures and in their videos, all sat down together cross legged with different props. I think this picture looks quite busy but it stands out nicely due to the colours used. I think i could take ideas from this picture and re do it my own way by taking out all of the props and having my 5 models all sat down cross legged in the same way and also in the costume i have previously mentioned on previous pictures. I think that would look effective for a main image on my magazine.

After searching for magazine front covers that would look like an example of what id like mine to look like, I couldnt find a pop magazine with a representative of 'the saturdays' to represent a girl band pop magazine front cover like the one i want. So, instead, i decided to choose a few pictures from their album covers showing the type of costume i will want 5girls to wear on my front cover and the type of poses i want them to be pulling.

                    My ideas are taken from The Saturdays old album 'UP'


       this is the type of costume i want the 5 girls that I choose to wear on my front cover. i want them to all be wearing a black dress, each different, with each
        wearing different coloured tights with black high heel shoes. this way they all look similar with a slight difference.

Tuesday 23 November 2010



Female; 99%
Average Age; 18
In school, in a relationship; 35%
In college/Uni, in a relationship; 65%

STYLISH – knows what style she follows!
8/1O readers have bought or downloaded something by a featured artist in the magazine.
            Favourite radio station - Kiss, Red Dragon FM or Radio One.

  • 85% say it is important to keep up to date with the latest music
  • 98% are passionate about music!
  • 51% go to the cinema and other outings at least once a month
  • 62% say it’s important to keep up with the latest fashions

  • £6O spent on downloading songs on itunes a month
  • £3O spent on CDs a month
  • £5O spent on the latest fashion a month.

  • up to 5OO songs and more on itunes list
  • 5O+ CDs in collection
  • 25O items of clothing in wardrobe

  • CDs; £11.4 million
  • DVDs; £4 million
  • Life Events; £5.4 million
  • Downloads; £2.8 million

  • CDs; £4O million                             • DVDS; £15
  • Live Concerts; £2O                        • Downloads; £2O

                                MASSIVE SPENDING POWER!

Mission Statement.

Bowsher’s new project “POPSTARZ’’ is a new pop music magazine, targeted for the female gender, aged between 15 and 25. It is a different sort of pop magazine including modern pop music and new and present pop bands and solo artists.
POPSTARZ is a stylish girly teen/ middle adult feature focused magazine and will combine with trendy, eye catching, colourful imagery which will give an inclusive take on how a ‘pop princess’ will live.
POPSTARZ is aimed at the attitude and behaviour of the 15-25 year old mindset as well as the age group itself. POPSTARZ readers are outgoing, stylish and casual with regular outings where they can make an effort to look good and are also willing to attract attention.
POPSTARZ contains all the elements that contribute to a ‘pop princesses’ lifestyle; make- up, fashion, music and girly days and chats. POPSTARZ edge is that it has a bold look that attracts attention using girly but interesting use of language and imagery.
POPSTARZ will neither patronise nor preach it will just adjust to its target audience’s needs. Its need is to entertain interest and inspire.
The first issue arrives on the shelves on the 1st January, February issue.

Age; 15-25
What would she most likely be wearing?
A casual style but also quite girly, maybe jeggings and dolly shoes with a long top and also could have days where she feels jeans and a cardigan is in order. She would also have to have the tendency to want to dress up for outings on a weekend maybe; e.g. friends meals. This type of girl would not be too over the top with her means of fashion with everyday clothes but you would be able to notice that she makes an effort with the way she looks and attracts a bit of attention with it.
Artists interests; As well as pop, she likes a variety of chart-toppers of a genre such as R 'n B or hip-hop too, only pop IS her favourite! Modern pop, including girl bands such as The Saturdays, Sugababes and Girls Aloud, also maybe some pop boy band interests such as the new Mcfly songs and The Wanted and mixed such as N Dubz. As well as bands, girl solo artists such as Rihanna, Katy Perry, Pixie Lott, Cheryl Cole, Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, Shakira, Christina Aguilera and Nicki Minaj and Lastly, boy solo artists such as Jason Derulo, Chris Brown, Bruno Mars and Shayne Ward. As well as these artists, she would be listening to radio stations such as Kiss, Red Dragon fm and Radio One.
Education; In high school or university and is quite academic. She likes her social life and free time as well as studying and doing well in school.
Find her; at home alone singing into a hairbrush,  either shopping in the latest shops for music/clothes/shoes etc, hanging around with mates in houses or out and about, at a party or listening to music and not fogetting spending money on Daddys credit card!
Wants to be; the 6th member of the Saturdays. a famous singer, either in a girl band or solo artist. Or maybe even something to do with modern fashion designing.
Bedroom; covered in posters of the pop artists she likes, both boy and girl artists. Her concert tickets and pictures of her and her friends. It is quite messy but you can still see the majority of the floor. 

From my questionnaire, the favourite masthead was ‘Pop Princess’. I wasn’t too sure about this as the masthead so I spoke to Mr Jones and he helped me out a bit with looking at the names again and thinking I could maybe mix some of them. I had two names that we thought of mixing and they were ‘Pop Star’ and ‘STARZ’ so I mixed them together and came up with one as ‘POPSTARZ’ which we both thought looked effective. The most popular slogan was ‘Check It out’ and I think that works well with the masthead stated previously. When I asked people what they would rather as the main image on the front cover of a music magazine, most responded with they would prefer to see a girl band. As well as a main image, when I asked people about what they would like to read about as an inside story in the magazine, most responded with wanting to read about new songs/albums out. The favourite colours for this magazine were purple, pink and light blue and the most popular choice for the subsidiary images on the front cover were of a solo artist that will be interviewed inside and also of a new celebrity musician couple.

Wednesday 17 November 2010


[1] What gender are you?

[2] How old are you?

[3] Do you ever read magazines? If so, how often?
             -once a fortnight                                             
             -every month                                                    
             -rarely, but sometimes                                    

[4] Which masthead do you prefer for a pop genre music magazine?
          -POP STAR                                                       
          -* STARZ *                                                         
          -POP PRINCESS                                              
          -POP CENTRAL                                               
          -HEAR IT                                                           

[5] Which slogan do you prefer?
         -lose yourself in the music!                           
         -check it out!                                                  
         -pop to the top!                                             
         -turn it up!                                                      
         -pop ‘til you drop!                                          

[6] What colours do you think would catch your eye when looking for a pop    gender related music magazine?
           -pink and light pink                                     
           -purple, pink and light blue                       
           -green, blue and purple                             
           -yellow, orange and pink                          
           -light blue and pink                                     
          -light blue, yellow and orange                  

[7] What would you want the main image to be of?
                         -boy band                                                     
-girl band                                                     
-female solo artist                                      
-male solo artist                                          
-mixed band                                                
-other(please state)   
[8] What would you like to read about as an inside cover story in a pop genre music magazine?
            -new songs/ albums out                            
            -artists/bands secrets                                 
            -information on concerts/gigs                
            -new celebrity couples made up of 2 musician          
[9] Would you prefer?
            -a weekly magazine                                    
            -a monthly magazine                                 

[1O] What do you think would make an effective subsidiary image?
(any small additional images on the front cover of magazines)
            -a new album cover for new/present artists                 
            -new celebrity musician couple                                       
            -picture of a solo artist that is interviewed inside         
            -rival artists                                                                           

[11] How much would you be willing to pay for this type of magazine?
            -5Op - £1                                            
            -£1.5O - £3                                         
            -£3.5O and over