Sunday 27 February 2011

Examples of Music Magazine Contents Pages That I Like;


I like this contents page as it is a simple layout with just one big main image but i think it makes the page look effective and neat by doing so. The colours are quite plain and simple but also do go together rather way and i think that the writing down the side gives it a really positive look to the page. With it being more plain and simple, it makes it easier to read and get the infortmation the you want.

I like this contents page as it looks really busy showing things that are inside the magazine which would more likely make me want to read it. I like the colour schemes as the colours all stand out and the big pictures and numbers make the page look really bold. I also like how  the way the writting is listed down the sides along with the pictures in the middle, it looks effective for a layout.

I really like this contents page as the layout is really effective. I likw how all of the pictures provide a lot of colour to the page against the grey and black background and I like how they almost make a collage. It looks really neat and all fits together nicely making the page stand out showing all of the different things in the magazine. On each picture there is a page number which lets the reader know where to find eveerything so it makes it a lot quicker and better for the reader as it gives the reader an insite on what to expect.

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