Wednesday 9 February 2011

2nd Draft of My Magazine Article
- Finished

This is what I have produced after a few more hours work on my article.
I am really pleased with the work that I got done in a couple of hours and it is looking really good.
I have changed my masthead and now it looks a lot more effective and really stands out on the page as the squares come off the page and the letters in them are bold drawing the readers eye into it.
I have included different colours in the article page to make it catch the eye of reaaders instead of it all just being text and I think I have done that well as the spalsh of colour make it look a lot better with all the text that is on the page. The picture page looks really good too as I have made them have a drop shadow so they stand out off the page and the text around them just makes it more bold too. The masthead joins both of the pages together. I am really pleased with how it is looking here.

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