Tuesday 30 November 2010


These are signiture poses by The Saturdays that I could re-do myself to try and make my front cover look more effective.


This picture to the left is a picture in the costume that I would like to have on my front cover. I think it looks effective as it gets all the girls together and also shows their costume well as they all look similar. I like the different angles that they are facing as it makes it look more interesting. I could try and redo this for my main image by sitting my models in the same way.
 This picture to the right, I think, looks really good as there is symmetry to the picture which I think makes it look neat. I like the fact that they are all doing the same pose and i think the costumes stand out in the picture. I could easuly re do this with my models too by just lying them down on the floor in this way and I could lie down too and take the picture that way.

This picture to the right is a picture off their new album. It is a signiture pose of the Saturdays as they are usually on pictures and in their videos, all sat down together cross legged with different props. I think this picture looks quite busy but it stands out nicely due to the colours used. I think i could take ideas from this picture and re do it my own way by taking out all of the props and having my 5 models all sat down cross legged in the same way and also in the costume i have previously mentioned on previous pictures. I think that would look effective for a main image on my magazine.

After searching for magazine front covers that would look like an example of what id like mine to look like, I couldnt find a pop magazine with a representative of 'the saturdays' to represent a girl band pop magazine front cover like the one i want. So, instead, i decided to choose a few pictures from their album covers showing the type of costume i will want 5girls to wear on my front cover and the type of poses i want them to be pulling.

                    My ideas are taken from The Saturdays old album 'UP'


       this is the type of costume i want the 5 girls that I choose to wear on my front cover. i want them to all be wearing a black dress, each different, with each
        wearing different coloured tights with black high heel shoes. this way they all look similar with a slight difference.

Tuesday 23 November 2010



Female; 99%
Average Age; 18
In school, in a relationship; 35%
In college/Uni, in a relationship; 65%

STYLISH – knows what style she follows!
8/1O readers have bought or downloaded something by a featured artist in the magazine.
            Favourite radio station - Kiss, Red Dragon FM or Radio One.

  • 85% say it is important to keep up to date with the latest music
  • 98% are passionate about music!
  • 51% go to the cinema and other outings at least once a month
  • 62% say it’s important to keep up with the latest fashions

  • £6O spent on downloading songs on itunes a month
  • £3O spent on CDs a month
  • £5O spent on the latest fashion a month.

  • up to 5OO songs and more on itunes list
  • 5O+ CDs in collection
  • 25O items of clothing in wardrobe

  • CDs; £11.4 million
  • DVDs; £4 million
  • Life Events; £5.4 million
  • Downloads; £2.8 million

  • CDs; £4O million                             • DVDS; £15
  • Live Concerts; £2O                        • Downloads; £2O

                                MASSIVE SPENDING POWER!

Mission Statement.

Bowsher’s new project “POPSTARZ’’ is a new pop music magazine, targeted for the female gender, aged between 15 and 25. It is a different sort of pop magazine including modern pop music and new and present pop bands and solo artists.
POPSTARZ is a stylish girly teen/ middle adult feature focused magazine and will combine with trendy, eye catching, colourful imagery which will give an inclusive take on how a ‘pop princess’ will live.
POPSTARZ is aimed at the attitude and behaviour of the 15-25 year old mindset as well as the age group itself. POPSTARZ readers are outgoing, stylish and casual with regular outings where they can make an effort to look good and are also willing to attract attention.
POPSTARZ contains all the elements that contribute to a ‘pop princesses’ lifestyle; make- up, fashion, music and girly days and chats. POPSTARZ edge is that it has a bold look that attracts attention using girly but interesting use of language and imagery.
POPSTARZ will neither patronise nor preach it will just adjust to its target audience’s needs. Its need is to entertain interest and inspire.
The first issue arrives on the shelves on the 1st January, February issue.

Age; 15-25
What would she most likely be wearing?
A casual style but also quite girly, maybe jeggings and dolly shoes with a long top and also could have days where she feels jeans and a cardigan is in order. She would also have to have the tendency to want to dress up for outings on a weekend maybe; e.g. friends meals. This type of girl would not be too over the top with her means of fashion with everyday clothes but you would be able to notice that she makes an effort with the way she looks and attracts a bit of attention with it.
Artists interests; As well as pop, she likes a variety of chart-toppers of a genre such as R 'n B or hip-hop too, only pop IS her favourite! Modern pop, including girl bands such as The Saturdays, Sugababes and Girls Aloud, also maybe some pop boy band interests such as the new Mcfly songs and The Wanted and mixed such as N Dubz. As well as bands, girl solo artists such as Rihanna, Katy Perry, Pixie Lott, Cheryl Cole, Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, Shakira, Christina Aguilera and Nicki Minaj and Lastly, boy solo artists such as Jason Derulo, Chris Brown, Bruno Mars and Shayne Ward. As well as these artists, she would be listening to radio stations such as Kiss, Red Dragon fm and Radio One.
Education; In high school or university and is quite academic. She likes her social life and free time as well as studying and doing well in school.
Find her; at home alone singing into a hairbrush,  either shopping in the latest shops for music/clothes/shoes etc, hanging around with mates in houses or out and about, at a party or listening to music and not fogetting spending money on Daddys credit card!
Wants to be; the 6th member of the Saturdays. a famous singer, either in a girl band or solo artist. Or maybe even something to do with modern fashion designing.
Bedroom; covered in posters of the pop artists she likes, both boy and girl artists. Her concert tickets and pictures of her and her friends. It is quite messy but you can still see the majority of the floor. 

From my questionnaire, the favourite masthead was ‘Pop Princess’. I wasn’t too sure about this as the masthead so I spoke to Mr Jones and he helped me out a bit with looking at the names again and thinking I could maybe mix some of them. I had two names that we thought of mixing and they were ‘Pop Star’ and ‘STARZ’ so I mixed them together and came up with one as ‘POPSTARZ’ which we both thought looked effective. The most popular slogan was ‘Check It out’ and I think that works well with the masthead stated previously. When I asked people what they would rather as the main image on the front cover of a music magazine, most responded with they would prefer to see a girl band. As well as a main image, when I asked people about what they would like to read about as an inside story in the magazine, most responded with wanting to read about new songs/albums out. The favourite colours for this magazine were purple, pink and light blue and the most popular choice for the subsidiary images on the front cover were of a solo artist that will be interviewed inside and also of a new celebrity musician couple.

Wednesday 17 November 2010


[1] What gender are you?

[2] How old are you?

[3] Do you ever read magazines? If so, how often?
             -once a fortnight                                             
             -every month                                                    
             -rarely, but sometimes                                    

[4] Which masthead do you prefer for a pop genre music magazine?
          -POP STAR                                                       
          -* STARZ *                                                         
          -POP PRINCESS                                              
          -POP CENTRAL                                               
          -HEAR IT                                                           

[5] Which slogan do you prefer?
         -lose yourself in the music!                           
         -check it out!                                                  
         -pop to the top!                                             
         -turn it up!                                                      
         -pop ‘til you drop!                                          

[6] What colours do you think would catch your eye when looking for a pop    gender related music magazine?
           -pink and light pink                                     
           -purple, pink and light blue                       
           -green, blue and purple                             
           -yellow, orange and pink                          
           -light blue and pink                                     
          -light blue, yellow and orange                  

[7] What would you want the main image to be of?
                         -boy band                                                     
-girl band                                                     
-female solo artist                                      
-male solo artist                                          
-mixed band                                                
-other(please state)   
[8] What would you like to read about as an inside cover story in a pop genre music magazine?
            -new songs/ albums out                            
            -artists/bands secrets                                 
            -information on concerts/gigs                
            -new celebrity couples made up of 2 musician          
[9] Would you prefer?
            -a weekly magazine                                    
            -a monthly magazine                                 

[1O] What do you think would make an effective subsidiary image?
(any small additional images on the front cover of magazines)
            -a new album cover for new/present artists                 
            -new celebrity musician couple                                       
            -picture of a solo artist that is interviewed inside         
            -rival artists                                                                           

[11] How much would you be willing to pay for this type of magazine?
            -5Op - £1                                            
            -£1.5O - £3                                         
            -£3.5O and over                              

Thursday 11 November 2010

Example of A Music

I like this cover as I think it is a very good close up
shot of the artist and i think the colours work well together
making it look effective and bold. i think all of the colours
go together well and i like the use of different colours
and sizes of fonts.
Magazine I Like

And Why..

After researching different music magazines in the type of gender that I chose, which was 'Pop', I came across a popular pop magazine called 'Billboard' which mainly focuses on American artists that have Pop as their gender of songs/ singing.

Monday 8 November 2010

Evaluation of My School Magazine Front Cover;

In my magazine, I used the masthead “HENRY SPEAKS”. This was the most popular one from my questionnaire results and I thought it would be the most effective one too before I got evidence from others that it was. At first, it was “HENRY SPEAKS OUT” but I narrowed it down to just “HENRY SPEAKS” as it was short/ basic which makes it stand out more and could fit on the page easier making it look more effective and bold.  With it being short and bold, I thought it would grasp the attention of the buyer and instantly give them an Idea about what magazine is about; if it’s HENRY and speaking out, you would think it was news about the school. Again, to pick my colour scheme for the masthead, I used the results from my questionnaire which were black and yellow which overall I think contrast well against each other. I think that these are appropriate colours because they associate well with the new school uniform in the school so is a type of representation for the magazine, relating to the school overall. I feel that the masthead is a sufficient size as it is big enough to stand out which will attract the target audience and is not too small. The font which was ‘myriad pro’ interests the younger generation (the pupils) as it is fun, bold and bright and stretched out to give it a greater length. I am also happy with the fact that even thou overall the magazine front cover is mainly black and yellow, I have still managed to get the masthead to stand out on the page too.

My main image on my front cover is of one 6th former with two younger pupils in the new school uniform next to her. I think this image is an appropriate size as It is a long shot of them so that you can see the full uniform and outfit on each student. I think this image works for the magazine as it involves each of the two types of children in King Henry VIII; younger ones in uniform and the older ones in sixth form that no longer have to wear it so it shows you the difference between the two sets of people.  Also the fact that I chose a boy and a girl in uniform gives the two different types of uniform and that could be one of the things a reader is interested in, maybe if they are wanting their sons/ daughters to come to the school.  I didn’t want it to be a close up of them because it thought it would be difficult to fit three people in the frame and also the subsidiary images and writing would have covered up some of their face.

On my magazine front cover, there are two only one subsidiary image. Even thought there were meant to be two, one is a bit small on top of the page, but I spoke to Mr Jones and we both agreed that it looked more effective with just one large and one small with some sell lines and writing as it made it stand out more. I took this idea from an example magazine that Mr Jones had. I placed my subsidiary image at the bottom of the page because I couldn’t fit it anywhere else without covering the pupils faces so I made use of covering some pare space by the boys shoe and placed it there. I made it a rounded edged image to give a bit of change to the front cover as overall it is quite square with a few boxes on it, so to give it a bit of variation, I thought a rounded edge would work well with the image. I think it is an appropriate size as it is an extreme long shot of the boys playing football, including the prop of the goal post showing it is a game that they are playing. I didn’t want it too big so it took the attention off the main image.  I don’t think that the subsidiary images give a fully clear indication of what the story is about but again this encourages the reader to read the captions next to them and then want to read more about it.

On my front cover, I used a few strap lines. One on the subsidiary image on about ‘sport success’ which I think will grab male attention more than girls attention and will make them want to read on, also, at the top of the page theres a bit about the new work on the school giving a few words about it but letting the reader know that its carried on inside so it will grab their interest. Also, I have ‘exclusive!’ on the right hand side which is in bold writing and a red background which gets brought out on the page and makes it stand out a lot more and is very bold. I think having a mixture of writing and pictures make it look a lot more like a magazine rather than having a lot of subsidiary images on the cover.  “Change is For The Best” is my main story of the magazine as I thought it brought in a lot about the school as it would be a change to the new year 7s, also a change with the new school uniform and lastly the new work that has been done to the school with the new classrooms and lifts so I thought this was and effective way of bringing in many new aspects of the school and in an interesting way as it is vague making the readers want to know what changes have been made.

On my magazine, all of my spelling is correct and also my punctuation too.  I added exclamation marks to make it stand out well and also added a few commas and inverted commas showing on the top that it is about Mr Oaten. A consistent and appropriate colour scheme was used for all of my sell lines and strap lines; black and white, as it makes it bold and different to the masthead making them stand out well. Also it makes them easier to read as they are clear and bold. I used a mixture of capital and smaller text to make certain words stand out more adding variation to the magazine cover. The only one that has a different colour is the sell line at the top which is red as I thought it would blend in with the background to ‘exclusive’ making it more interesting and not all one colour. I chose black and white as I think it contrasts well with the yellow but also looks presentable.

I feel that the layout of my front cover is quite simple as it included writing and pictures, and even thought there is only one picture I still think the writing makes it look effective and appeal to the reader as it doesn’t look too boring with the writing as it is laid out interestingly with different colours and slants on them and there’s not too many words and some stories left to be carried on inside the magazine so the reader will want to read on after starting to read it. I think the text makes the magazine look more organized and professional because sometimes too many pictures on a magazine will give too much away so with just one and a bit of writing the reader will be more interested with the inside stories. I think it looks more like a magazine with the writing as sometimes pictures don’t fit right on the page. I think my front cover would be recognised as the front cover of a school magazine as it includes the uniform of the school, images of the school and also about Henry so it involves a few aspects of the school in it.

I would say that my masthead is a successful part of the cover as it is an effective font; easy to read and bold and as its been stretched and an Ideal size to fit on the page it stands out and looks organised making the page look neat. Also, I would say that my main image is a success as it includes the only types of pupils in the school; 6th form and a girl and boy in uniform showing the type of uniform the school has brought in and the main story fits perfectly across it. Lastly, another part of my cover that I think is successful would be the top part of it reading “its coming on well” because the fact it is red pulls your eye to that part of the cover with smaller print under it including a picture which is something like what you really find on covers, I think it really works well, I would say that’s the best part of the magazine, it really makes it look like a front cover.

If I had to improve things on my cover, I think I would add a bit more to the picture of boys playing football as it looks a bit plain compared to the rest of the magazine; maybe a little bit of writing underneath and maybe change some of the fonts so it would create more variation making it more interesting to the reader.

Overall I really enjoyed the whole process of making a front cover; the planning, designing and making, as it opened my eyes up to valuable skills I will need to use in my music magazine and I felt like I ended up with a very successful end product.