Monday 11 October 2010

Questionnaire Results.

I produced 10 copies of my questionnaire that I made about my school magazine and distributed to 10 different pupils in King Henry from the ages of 14-16 years old.
       The first results I gained from this were that  hardly any of the 10 students I asked actually read music magazines daily or even monthly as only 2 out of the 10 students actually ticked the box of the kind of magazine they enjoy reading, it seemed that film magazines were a more popular choice than music.
The results show that the preferred masthead is “Henry Speaks Out” which received 7 votes, and the two second favourites were “a Piece of Eight” and “KHS Got News”.
            The favourite slogan for my magazine, concluded from the questionnaire, was “Latest Goss; Keep On Top” which received 4 votes and joint second favourite was “Top News;Top Students” and “Henry Speaks Out”
            The top five topics that my target audience selected that they would like to read about, in order of most popular results, were Uniform, Sport Success, Weekly Activities, Upcoming Events and The New Work On The School.
            There wasn’t much variety when it came to the colours of the magazine as most of the 10 people voted on having black and yellow for the colour scheme with only two different votes which were green and yellow which both received one vote each.
            All of these results will now help me in deciding what to do for my plan for the layout of my school magazine, all of these results help me with ideas on the planning.

1 comment:

  1. You have analysed the results of your questionnaire effectively, Maya. You should now draft your ideas for the cover and post them on your blog. Your time management is good. Well done.
