Tuesday 12 October 2010

Decisions From My Questionnaire;

Masthead;  the masthead that got the highest votes in my questionnaire was " Henry Speaks Out" and to me that one sounds the best too. I thought of this one as being my final masthead and the fact that 7 out of the ten voted this one too has backed up what i thought and I am going to go for this one for my magazine cover.

Slogan; the most popular slogan from the questionnaire was "Latest Goss; Keep On Top" and even though to start off with I was thinking of using "Top News; Top Students" as my final slogan, I think the one chosen on the questionnaire would be a more effective slogan to go with my chosen masthead as 'goss' and 'speakin out' seem to go together nicely so i think it would work effectively on my magazine front cover.

Colour Scheme; to go with the fact that it is a school magazine for my school which is KHS and the colours of the school are black and yellow, i think it would be a good idea to keep the colours of the magazine to the colours of a school as it would resemble the school and it would be more recognisable to be KHS.

Main Image;  for my main image, I was thinking of getting about 3 students (from the ages 14-16 to go with the target audience or even just 3 out of one of the ages) and lining them up on a staircase or in a corridor and taking a long shot of them to get a background of the school and the uniform or the type of students in the school.

Subsidary Images; I was thinking of having 4 different pictures on the front cover of four of the different things people would be interested in reading about out of the 5 chosen ones in my questionnaire (E.g; uniform, work on the school etc). I would like to take a picture of a student with the new uniform in long shot, also a picture of the new classroom and lifts that have been built, and the last two maybe of Medals in the school for 'sport success' and a sport being played in the lunchtime or a music club for the 'weekly activities' section.

1 comment:

  1. You have explained the decisions for the elements of your front cover in good detail, Maya.
