Wednesday 6 October 2010

My School Magazine Questionnaire Questions.
School Magazine Front Cover Market Research Questionnaire
Maya Bowsher.

(1) How old are you? 
• 14                                              
 • 15
 • 16 

(2) What year group are you in? 
• 1O                    
 • 11                     
 • 12 

(3) What gender are you? 
• Female          
 • Male 

(4) What kinds of magazines do you enjoy reading the most?
 • Music                                          
 • Film                                                     
 • Celebrity Gossip                       
 • Games                                       
 • Sport                                          
 • Other … (please state below)

(5) How often do you read magazines? 
• Everyday                                 
 • Once a week                                     
 • More than once a week         
 • Once a month                        
 • More than once a month     
 • Never            

(6) Which of the following mastheads do you associate with King Henry VIII School? 
• KHS Express!
 • Henry Speaks Out!
 • KHS Got News!
 • A Piece Of Eight!
 • King Henry VIII’s Got News!
 • Other .. (Please state below)  

(7) Which of the following mastheads do you prefer to go on the school magazine? 
• KHS Express!
 • Henry Speaks Out!
 • KHS Got News!
 • A Piece Of Eight!
 • King Henry VIII’s Got News!
 • Other .. (Please state below)  

(8)  Which of the following slogans do you prefer to go on the school magazine? 
• School News for the Cool Dudes!
 • Top School; We Rule!                
 • All You Need To Know Throughout The Week!
 • Latest Goss; Keep on Top!
 • Top News; Top Students!
 • Henry Speaks Out!      

(9) Please tick five of the following stories that you would like to be included in a school magazine and would be interested in reading about..
 • Uniform
 • Exam Success               
 • Weekly Activities              
 • Sport Success               
 • Upcoming Events
 • The New Classrooms              
 • The New Work On The School            
 • Healthy Food in the Canteen
 • Drugs And Health Problems            
 • School Visits And Trips
 • Other … (Please State Below)

(1O)  How much would you spend on a school magazine?
 • 5Op - £1
 • £1.5O - £3
 • £3.5O and over   

(11) Which of the following colours would you associate with King Henry VIII. Please circle as many as you want. 
• Red
 • Yellow
 • Blue and Yellow
 • Black and Yellow
 • White
 • Green
 • Other … (Please State)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see that you have managed to post your questionnaire by 07/10/10.Your copies will be ready for distribution on 11/11/10.
